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Some people have asked me how I came up with the idea of selling sugar almonds. Well as an Italian, sugared almonds have always been part of my life: christenings, birthdays, weddings, graduations are all celebrated with sugared almonds or “confetti” as we call them.

When my own wedding day was approaching, I took my Spanish fiancée to the same traditional “maestri confettieri” where 45 years earlier my parents had their wedding confetti made.


She had no idea of this Italian custom and the visit to the artisanal confectioners was a revelation to her.


She so adored both the taste and the heritage of such a gift that we both set about learning more everything we could about them - the ingredients, flavours and the manufacturing process.


As our knowledge grew, our passion overflowed, so we decided to bring confetti to Britain to share with others and to help them mark the most important moments of their lives with the most delicious “confetti” that Italy has to offer.




Massimo and Bea



Photo by courtesy of


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